Lauren Wood - New Balance: New Ad Campaign

New Balance Launches ad Campaign
March 1, 2011 1.46 PM

New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc., said it is rolling out a new brand marketing campaign with the tag-line of, “Let’s Make Excellent Happen.”

The campaign includes TV, print, digital advertising, engagement with the company's online community, and viral video content as well as in-store and event exposure, Boston-based New Balance said. The campaign's marketing budget is not being disclosed.

The creative portion of the brand campaign was developed by Boston ad agency Arnold Worldwide, the first big work from Arnold since it was named New Balance's global creative agency of record in June. New Balance's previous brand campaign tag-line was "LOVE/hate. this is the new balance."

One component of the campaign is a TV ad that "celebrates 'Excellent' happening at a track built by New Balance at Pier 54 in New York, where Team New Balance athletes celebrate competition as a way to inspire themselves and others to achieve new levels of performance," New Balance said. "The spot features the song 'On the 54' by the Dandelions."

In a statement, New Balance director of global marketing and brand management Hilary Keates said: “We built this campaign on our core belief that New Balance serves as a coach and a catalyst to our consumer. However they interpret their definition of ‘Excellent,’ New Balance will be there to make it happen.”

The campaign also references two recent additions to the New Balance product line: the NB 890 featuring REVlite technology and NB Minimus Trail, a barefoot-inspired running shoe.
Rival brands have often made heavy use of sports starts to promote their wares. New Balance has tended to stay away from that marketing approach. But in the “Let’s Make Excellent Happen” campaign, New Balance plans to rely more heavily on "Team New Balance athletes."

The NB 890 is named “Barringer” (women’s version) and “Baddeley” (men’s version) after record holders Jenny Barringer Simpson and Andy Baddeley, said New Balance, which added that the NB Minimus Trail is inspired by Anton Krupicka.

Last year, New Balance reported worldwide sales of $1.78 billion.
Lauren Wood

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